weight n. 1.重量;体重;求心力,重力,(地心)引力。 2.斤两,分量,衡,计重单位。 3.(压东西的)重物。 4.砝码,秤锤,秤砣。 5.重担,重压;负担,重任。 6.重要性;影响力,势力。 7.【统计】权,加重值,权重,重要度。 8.(合于季节的衣料的)重量,厚薄。 9.拉弓所需的力。 10.【赛马】马应负载的重量〔包括马鞍、骑师等〕。 11.(拳师、摔跤手等的)体重级别。 a paper weight 镇纸。 a pound weight 一磅重的秤砣[砝码]。 a man of weight 重要人物,有势力的人。 a suit of summer weight 夏服一套。 by weight 论重量(卖等)。 carry great [no] weight 极[不]重要,极受[不受]重视。 gain [lose] weight 体重增加[减少]。 give short weight 骗秤头,克扣斤两。 have weight with (sb.) 对(某人)有影响。 pull one's weight 尽自己的本分〔见 pull 条〕 put on weight 体重增加,发胖。 throw one's weight about 大摆架子;作威作福,仗势欺人。 under the weight of 在…的重压下,迫于…。 weight empty 空重,皮重;空载。 weights and measures 度量衡。 vt. 1.在…上加重量,把重量放在…上。 2.使负担,装载;使负重担,装载过重;折磨,压迫。 3.在(织品、丝等内)搀重晶石(等)以增加分量。 4.【统计】使加权,附加加重值于。 5.视…为重要,强调。 weighted with 因…加重;因…烦恼。 adj. -less 无重的;失重的。 n. -lessness 失重。
The spring constant is replaced by the weighting function . 弹簧常数用权重函数代替。
The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her . 陪审团认为指控她有罪的证据很充分。
I can tell by the weight 光看这分量我就知道了
These differences may be caused by the weight and creeping speed of different species of pests 五种害虫时域及频域信号的差异是害虫种类差异的表现。
The effect of these blows is obtained by the speed with which they are delivered rather than by the weight behind them 这些打击的效果更大程度上取决于发出的速度,而不是加在这一击之上的重量。
Wouldnt you like to be popped on a horse , zikin ; youd make an elegant rider , jested a corporal at a thin soldier , bowed down by the weight of his knapsack “济金,真想让你骑在马身上哩,那你就很舒服了。 ”上等兵讥笑那个被背囊压得弯腰驼背的消瘦的士兵,打趣地说。
Multiply these uv intensities by the weighting factors at the corresponding wavelengths in the erythemal action spectrum red line in figure 2 to reflect the human skin s response to each wavelength , 将不同波长的太阳紫外线强度乘红斑作用光谱曲线内对应的加权数值以反映人类皮肤对紫外线的反应,
Multiply these uv intensities by the weighting factors at the corresponding wavelengths in the erythemal action spectrum ( red line in figure 1 ) to reflect the human skin s response to each wavelength , 将不同波长的太阳紫外线强度乘红班作用光谱曲线内对应的加权数值以反映人类皮肤对紫外线的反应,
But america ' s soldiers , tied to the valley roads by the weight of their gear and not trained to march , were victims of an enemy that could climb the hills overlooking their rearguard 但美国大兵由于装备过重,被困在了河谷地区的崎岖道路上,加上平时很少行军,结果都成了山头上侦查美军后续部队的敌人手中的猎物。
Curves are generated by dropping a series of known weights onto a cushion sample from a specified height and measuring the amount of shock experienced by the weights as they impact the foam 它的产生就是将一系列已知重量的重块从一个特定的高度跌落到衬垫式样上,此时测得这些重块撞击到泡沫材料上所承受的加速度。